1900 - Mrs. Meng
In June 1900 the missionary Evangeline French was visiting Christian women throughout Shanxi Province as usual. Evangeline French—along with her sister Francesca and Mildred Cable—later became famous as part of the Trio of single women missionaries who spent decades labouring in a remote part of northwest China. After being warmly welcomed into the house of Mrs. Meng, French noticed something was weighing heavily on the Christian woman’s heart. “Teacher,” said Meng, “there are terrible rumours. A society called the Boxers, or ‘Righteous Fists’ threatens to kill every Christian. Teacher, they are devil-possessed and no weapon can wound them. Our village is full of them.”[1] French stayed with Mrs. Meng for a few days, strengthening the frightened woman’s faith by reading her Scriptures relating to suffering and martyrdom.
A few weeks later the Boxer commander in the area gave the order to kill all Christians. Mrs. Meng was spinning yarn on her loom when a mob of Boxers arrived at her door. She rose and invited them in,
“saying quietly, ‘Gentlemen, I am ready, but just allow me to change my dress.’ She left the room, prayed for a moment, and put on her best frock. Coming back, she turned to them and said simply: ‘Now, Sirs, I am ready.’ In a moment her head was severed from her body.”[2]
Another account says that when she was asked to denounce Christ, Mrs. Meng replied, “Wait a moment, please.” Then she
“stepped down from her loom and went to the closet where her family’s best clothing was kept for holidays and funerals and donned her best gown. Then she walked to the door and knelt. ‘Now you may do as you wish, for I will not deny Jesus.’ A command, a flash of steel in the air, and the deed was done.”[3]
1. Platt, Three Women, 28.
2. Platt, Three Women, 28.
3. Hefley, By Their Blood, 34.